Airway is now a Dental Concern too!

LVI has been at the forefront of emerging thought in the Art and Science of Dentistry since its inception two decades ago! For the last 15 years, LVI leads the development and education charge with respect to muscles and their role in occlusion and that has led to some tremendous advances in the scope of dental care and the role of a dentist!

While there continue to be new and exciting things happening across the campus, here are a few of the more remarkable ones that impact every patient you have, either directly or indirectly.

  • Physiology of Sleep courses have evolved from essentially a foundation in Dental Sleep Medicine and an appliance training opportunity through the evolution to a more comprehensive and integrative medical approach and finally has emerged as the leading program in the field today. Physiology of Sleep 1 delivers all the tools to help your patients on Monday when you return and to interact with other health care professionals.Physiology of Sleep 2 advances that knowledge so that you can truly quarterback cases and guide your physician colleagues in how to incorporate dental appliance therapy into their management of OSA.
  • LVI has worked hand-in-hand with MicroDental to develop the MicrO2, the most sophisticated and elegant dental sleep appliance on the market today. Combined with the approach that LVI is teaching, not only does this help patients to live a fuller, richer and longer life, it also virtually eliminates the most significant drawback dentists face in treating OSA and that is it doesn’t cause bite change the way that a George Gauge bite so often does. In fact, this new FDA-approved technology has just been named the New Product of the Year by the Journal of Dental Technology!

Posted in: What's New

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