Power of the Right Bite
There are six basic principles of occlusion:
- Musculoskeletal Occlusal Signs and Symptoms must be adequately evaluated.
- The process starts from the foundation of PHYSIOLOGIC REST and this is a position found without manual manipulation of the patient. This physiologic position is utilized for both diagnosis and treatment. This position is measurable using EMGS.
- The unique open and close trajectory of the individual must be considered as a starting point in establishing the bite.
- Physiologic comfort of the masticatory muscles is critical in creating long term success.
- The Micro-occlusion allows for clean entry into and exit from the centric occlusion. This eliminates noxious proprioceptive stimulus that would otherwise create disharmony and dysfunction.
- Parameters of occlusion can and should be OBJECTIVELY measured. As with any treatment, diagnostic and outcome evaluations should be made. Using tools like EMGS and computerized force measuring devices (T-Scan), one can confidently adjust the bite to its proper position and maximum functioning force.
Dental school training focused on guidance through parafunction with concepts like group function and canine-guided disclusion. The healthy mouth by definition would be free of parafunction and in creating the ideal occlusal scheme; attention can be paid to proper function of the entire system.
This can be objectively measured and for the patient, both optimal micro- and macro-occlusion can be developed. This allows for a CO bite that is a comfortable home base for the patient that they can proprioceptively locate and return to a stable and consistent bite.
This allows the restoring dentist to drive forces of occlusion down the long axis of the teeth and to the bones as the system is designed. It is only in creating objective measurements of the starting point that we can predictably arrive at the proper end point!